Friday, March 14, 2008

And the winner is . . .


At first she was confused by my previous blog that showed my sharpie drawing, but Anna has won a copy of Or Not, and I couldn’t be more pleased. She was a loyal fan of the book when it first appeared, bit by bit, on my myspace blog. She also left lots of comments, which I love.

Thanks forever for all of your support, Anna!

By the way, the ink is as permanent as my arm and its epidermis, and the design is by J.R.R. Tolkien. Not so original on my part, but my love for the professor and his work has lasted over thirty years without diminishment. My daughter and I are reading LOTR for the third time, and are at the point where Frodo has just taken off the ring (at Gandalf's long distance urging, and against Sauron's long distance urging) on the seat of Ammon Hen.